As a business, we want to provide the most personal yet professional product as possible. In doing this, we work very closely with the client in order to achieve such results. Therefore, we do not limit ourselves to a set amount of services. Instead, we would like if you have an idea that can be created using drone services, ask us and we will work with you in order to provide the content that you need.
With this being said, we would also like to highlight some of our most popular services. These include, but are not limited to:
Weddings & Special Events
Personal & Commercial Promotions
Real Estate Property Showcasing
Television and Movie Production
To ensure the greatest amount of flexibility and to accommodate any budget, all pricing will be determined through a consultation. This consultation will go over how much filming needs to be done, how many sessions will be necessary, and overall how much time will be spent with the project. In order to get started, send me an email, justin@jbbvisualmedia.com, or send me a message through our CONTACT page.
We provide high quality images for personal or commercial use.
1 hr
We'll provide you with high quality and professionally edited videos.
2 hr
We'll create professional media content for personal or commercial use
3 hr